I must confess i was pleasantly surprised, i expected capital gains Tax, more taxes on second hand vehicles etc.First it was smaller than i expected at about Ksh 720 billion(was expecting a Ksh 850 billion plus budget). Here are the specifics:
-Stronger Regulation for the Capital Markets.There are now restrictions on ownership of stockbrokers,investment banks and fund managers.By the way Banks,Insurance companies and similar corporate entities are exempt from these restrictions.
Let us hope that the new rules will keep us from a repeat of the Francis Thuo,Nyaga stockbrokers debacles.
The new ownership requirement will increase the number of politically correct persons(read new ODM personalities) with stakes in the Capital markets.i.e. has anyone noticed who owns the stock brokerage firms?
-No new taxes on personal or corporate incomes.What can i say? More taxes= less disposable income. -Senior citizens over 65 years of age exempt from taxes on their pensions.
-New capital requirements for banks. I thought Ksh 1 billion in core capital over 2 years was a joke.
I approximate over 60% of the banks are multiples over this Ksh 1 billion core capital amount.For example if Housing Finance successfully completes its rights issue,the core capital will be over Ksh 2 billion.Barclays has over Ksh 5 billion. The requirement is unlikely to spur mergers and acquisitions.
-No Value Added Tax decrease
VAT acts as a drag on consumption.Lower VAT and consumption might get a kicker with all the added benefits e.g. higher demand in the economy.
Apparently,Orange/Telkom Kenya have the rights to sell it in Kenya.